“Spread 0098 – Bruce”
Water color paper, vintage and found papers, water-color paint, acrylic paint, gel pens.
Do you live with an internal critic? This spread is from one from my first year of art journaling in one of Orly Avineri’s classes. One of my favorites and I think where I got hooked on art journaling. It was just pure joyous fun. We named our internal critic, mine is Bruce. It’s easier to tell them to be quiet if they have a name. This is one of my favorite spreads. Enjoy. I hope your having a wonderful Sunday!
Brian/Bruce !!! before i read your statement on this piece, my eyeballs shot out of their sockets when i opened your e-mail—i love spread 0098–i wish i could take one of Orly’s classes too—thank you for always sharing your art and your heart — sam aka sheila
Love this! Great idea to name your internal critic. Spread 0098 is beautiful!
What I especially like about you besides your wonderful art is that you let the viewer into your life more and more as you post. I feel like I am collecting bits and pieces of you. Really great piece.
I named mine and made her into a paper doll. And awesome spread about Bruce, he needs to chill indeed
I really like the colors in this spread and I love me some classes with Orly!
Where was Bruce when you did this one, no trace of him here. Is he still alive? I remember it so well, that’s a fantastic spread Brian, it was all about doodling, a bunch of teenagers joined us remember?
This is terrific! I love hearing about your inner critic, I fight with mine all of the time, sometimes I even win
I love to see how other artists get ahead of their critic, it helps us all. Thanks for sharing!
Oh! I do have an internal critic. . .and she can be so ugly sometimes! Never thought about giving her a name. I’ll definitely try that.