“When I stop learning I am dead.” Martha Stewart.
I am a travelor, a seeker. Recently I took a trip to India with some friends. No we did not fly there, there were no long journeys. We went to a class at Orly Avineri’s and we were inspired to go to India in our minds. To look at doorways and beyond in our imaginations. I shall always be a learner, a seeker. I will always be looking for inpiration and growth. I will always be traveling. Seeking new journeys and adventures. Last evening I went to Japan for dinner over sushi all by my self. I had a wonderful time. Wont you go on a journey with me? Where shall we go next?
Awesome page, I am so inspired by your creations! I was in japan with sushi dinner too last night. Today I will travel to the US by listening to a few inspiring podcast while creating.
Love these colorful free floating drop-like shapes traveling on your page just like you.
Take me any time anywhere where…
…there is water saturated lush green vegetation to be found.
…there are a million colors in one urban setting to be seen.
Maybe that’s why I enjoy pubs…feels like I’m right back in England or Scotland!