Spread 212 – The Monkey On My Back
12 December 2015 – 20 February 2016
Vintage & personal images, matte gel, matte medium, Nova Color paints, black Micron pen, white Signo gel pen, pencil, white gesso.
Sometimes spreads take some time. This was started in a class with Orly in December and I finally “finished it” today. Are they ever really finished?
I am my own worst critic in life and art. I find that no one can be as mean to me as I have been to myself in my life. As I art journal layers are revealed and concealed. Old hurts are healed and that old monkey that is on my back becomes less and less a burden and more of a friend. Be kind to yourselves.
Edited. Thank you Thomas LaBadia for helping to make my images clickable & easy to enlarge again!
i agree Brian, I too can be so hard on myself and be filled with doubts. This is hard to overcome, but I am determined to do so.
Love this spread…..Glenda
I love this spread. I wish I could enlarge it. I wonder what happened to that capability? I am curious to see some things closer up. I know exactly what you mean about being our own most difficult critic.
Yeah! I can enlarge again. Thanks. Happy Sunday!
Thank Brilliant Thomas he fixed it.
Thomas! You are brilliant! They enlarge EVEN bigger than before! I love it!
Thank you Thomas!
Hi Brian,
Wow!!!, Love your latest spread, beautiful, and your message. Brought tears to my eyes as I read it… “I find that no one can be as mean to me as I have been to myself in my life”..oh boy.
A learning curve I am also dealing with clearing.
I also love the Totem spread and would so love to do a class with you if I wasn’t so far away. D…mn it..:))
Beautiful, and love seeing it larger. True words. Lots of love!!