I am thrilled to announce I will be joining 20 other art journaling teaching for the 2014 Fall schedule of 21 Secrets Art Journaling Workshop! 21 Secrets is a wonderful online site for classes from Hali Karla and Connie Hozvicka at Dirty Footprints Studio.
I will teaching a totally new class online:
Amanda Knapp :: http://greatliveoak.wordpress.com/
Bebe Butler :: http://bebebutler.com/
Brian Kasstle :: http://apaperbear.wordpress.com/
Carolyn Dube :: http://acolorfuljourney.com/
Cathy Bluteau :: http://cathyb.typepad.com/
Dion Dior :: http://www.diondior.com
Donna Mulholland :: http://creativity-matters.weebly.com/
Erica Simpson :: http://e-everydayart.com/
France Papillon :: http://www.france-papillon.com/
Jamie Ridler :: http://jamieridlerstudios.ca
Jill Berry :: http://jillberrydesign.com/
Karen Michel :: http://karenmichel.com/blog/
Kate Robertson :: http://thequeenofcreativity.blogspot.com
Kimberly Davis :: http://www.riverstonestudio.com
Kristal Norton :: http://kristalnorton.com/
Latisha Guthrie :: http://herbmother.com/
Lauri Grimshaw-Cox :: http://lauricox.me/
Michelle Turbide :: http://www.artandsouljourney.com/
Rachel Urista :: http://rachelurista.wordpress.com/
Sheri Ponzi :: http://www.paintingherselfintobeing.com
Veronica Funk :: http://www.veronicafunk.com/ ____________________________________________________________
21 Secrets is founded and hosted by http://www.dirtyfootprints-studio.com/
I’m in! Thanks for sharing the info, Brian. I’m already looking forward to October 1!!
Fantastic Brian, your class sounds so intriguing!! XO
Great Brian! I signed up this morning. Wish I had known about it to give you the credit. Can’t wait to see what you share with us.
Congrats Brian. This looks great!
Congratulations, Brian! This is awesome!
Singed up about a week ago! I can’t wait for Oct 1st! This is a present since my birthday is on Oct 6th!
21 secrets looks like a great class!