
I am thrilled to announce I will be joining 20 other art journaling teaching for the 2014 Fall schedule of 21 Secrets Art Journaling Workshop! 21 Secrets is a wonderful online site for classes from Hali Karla and Connie Hozvicka at Dirty Footprints Studio.

I will teaching a totally new class online:



Spread 166 - Internal Artifacts - 72

Come and explore art journaling as tool for a deeper understanding of ourselves. We will unearth and explore the links and connections of our past and present. Writing prompts will reveal and challenge some of our long-held beliefs. Using our personal images we will uncover the secrets of our self. Layering writing, collage, paint, mark making, we will develop deeply personal pages which express your own intimate style. We will explore image transfers for layering. Join me in the creation and excavation of found papers to make your own handmade papers to layer in our journals. Learn techniques to challenge and build your skills in our visual language. Be willing to be vulnerable and express yourself truthfully and openly, in your journal. It is all about you! Wont you join me in lively marking making, collaging and painting to celebrate the joy of expressing ourselves through our pages?
Click the link here. to go to 21 Secrets Fall classes to sign up. By clicking on my link I will receive credit for sales generated through it. Feel free to select whichever artist you choose.
I am joining a fabulous group of artists below for this Fall 2014 21 Secrets Art Journaling Workshop. See the full list of instructors below!


Amanda Knapp :: http://greatliveoak.wordpress.com/

Bebe Butler :: http://bebebutler.com/

Brian Kasstle :: http://apaperbear.wordpress.com/

Carolyn Dube :: http://acolorfuljourney.com/

Cathy Bluteau :: http://cathyb.typepad.com/

Dion Dior :: http://www.diondior.com

Donna Mulholland :: http://creativity-matters.weebly.com/

Erica Simpson :: http://e-everydayart.com/

France Papillon :: http://www.france-papillon.com/

Jamie Ridler :: http://jamieridlerstudios.ca

Jill Berry :: http://jillberrydesign.com/

Karen Michel :: http://karenmichel.com/blog/

Kate Robertson :: http://thequeenofcreativity.blogspot.com

Kimberly Davis :: http://www.riverstonestudio.com

Kristal Norton :: http://kristalnorton.com/

Latisha Guthrie :: http://herbmother.com/

Lauri Grimshaw-Cox :: http://lauricox.me/

Michelle Turbide :: http://www.artandsouljourney.com/

Rachel Urista :: http://rachelurista.wordpress.com/

Sheri Ponzi :: http://www.paintingherselfintobeing.com

Veronica Funk :: http://www.veronicafunk.com/ ____________________________________________________________

21 Secrets is founded and hosted by http://www.dirtyfootprints-studio.com/