Spread 126 – Dancing Bear
March 2013
Acrylic paint, black gesso, white gesso, handmade papers, metal tape, Sigano white & black gel pens, Sharpie china markers, pencil.
I was thinking back at my life before I found art and how art has changed my life. One of the most treasured aspects is the many wonderful amazing friends I have made through art. They warm my heart and bring tears to my eyes.
…and you warm mine..XO
Art has gotten me through the hardest times. I couldn’t live without it.
Sooo cool XO
Wow, this is fabulous! I hear you on the art…
Brian, this is an amazing piece! At first I was thinking that this represented demons of life. It is so bold and strong and forceful and much like night terrors. Then I read your account and looked closer. I see the tenderness now as well. There is so much symbolism in your piece. I love trying to figure it out. I have my ideas!
i feel the same way, brian. this piece makes me smile. the cha cha brings to mind fun, folly and verve for life. looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.
Love the complexity, combination of colors, and movement in this spread.
i can relate: art, life, changes. Any combination of the three words has become true for me. Such expressive colours!
Powerful and intriguing spread Brian. This really draws me in and I love the white lines. There is a primal feel here that I really love. And ditto on the meeting friends through art- so very happy our paths have crossed- fellow travelers on this art discovery journey.
So well said, Brian! Your many spreads often express in visual terms, what you have expressed, here, in your words for this post. Thanks for being true to your art, true to yourself, and for sharing it with us all!